L 0146 Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
This course is part of the Basic Academy Program. HSEEP represents a national standard for exercise planning and execution for all partner agencies and private sector stakeholders to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk. The HSEEP course is an intermediate-level training course that incorporates exercise guidance and best practices. Throughout the course, participants learn about topics including exercise program management, design and development, conduct, evaluation and improvement planning.
Prerequisites: IS-0120, An Orientation to Community Disaster Exercises; or IS-0120.a, An Introduction to Exercises
Target Audience: Personnel with the responsibility for exercise program management and/or who serve as a member of an exercise planning team.
Seats Remaining: 17
Begin Date: 11/4/2025
End Date: 11/5/2025
Time: 8:00 AM--4:30 PM
Polk County Emergency Management
1907 Carpenter Ave
Des Moines
Iowa - 50314
Additional Information:
1) Copy / paste directions and parking information available here: https://www.polkcountyiowa.gov/emergency-management/about-us/location-facilities/
2) Enter on the East side of the building
3) Lunch will be on your own, adequate time will be provided
4) This multi-day course is supported with Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) funding. You may request lodging reimbursement if you traveled an excess of 50 miles one-way and are an Iowa resident. Requests are based upon available funding.
BEFORE making lodging reservations and PRIOR to start of class, email your lodging reimbursement request to HSEMDTraining@iowa.gov limited to available funding.
5) All other travel will be on your own if the above doesn't apply or requested.