EMPD-Emergency Mgmt Program Development Session #4   

The Emergency Management Program Development course provides a comprehensive overview of the statutory requirements and professional duties of today’s emergency manager. Developed and delivered by practitioners in four separate 6 hour sessions, the course is an opportunity for peer to peer learning through lecture as well as task-oriented coaching. Technical and soft skill development in the areas of administration, planning, resource management, training, and exercises are included. Topics covered: Commission Governance, Training, Exercises, Homeland Security, Budgeting and Professional Development

Prerequisites: None

Target Audience: This course will benefit new and experienced emergency managers.

Seats Remaining: 22

Begin Date: 11/13/2025

End Date: 11/13/2025

Time: 9:00 AM--3:30 PM

Polk County Emergency Management 1907 Carpenter Ave
Des Moines
Iowa - 50314

Additional Information:

During the budget module work session students will need to bring a wireless capable computer. Students will need to have available your FY24 year end reports from the Auditor’s office, to include the July 1, 2023 beginning balance and the June 30, 2024, ending balance. Newer Coordinator may need to get a DOM website password through your Auditor. Do this now, it may take some time for approval. 1) This facility takes a whole block, with Polk County Public Health on the front (south side of bldg)—directly to the north of the Polk County Human Services (DHS) Building. 2) Park in the two east most rows or the southern most row. 3) Lunch will be at the Polk Co EOC. Please either bring your lunch or be prepared to do individual Jimmy Johns online orders using credit card payments. 4) Please download the session materials from the IEMA website prior to the class. https://www.iowaema.us/empd-documents